Incomplete email trackings statistics June 29th until July 6th

Major incident Outbound channels E-mail
2021-07-07 10:28 CEST · 14 minutes



This is a retroactive incident.

November 4, 2021 · 16:25 CEST

Overview: Due to a faulty configuration during an update to improve recipient privacy email open- and click tracking statistics are missing between Tuesday, June 29th and Tuesday, July 6th.

Root cause: Our email open and click tracking infrastructure was improved to respect recipient privacy. This included an update of the infrastructure to wipe customer sensitive data like IP addresses, that are not required for performance tracking, effectively and reliably from the handling services immediately. In this update, an additional event layer has been introduced that emits events with only the minimum required data fields to our data warehouse. This layer did not behave as intended in production.

Impact: Email open and click tracking is unavailable for events between Tuesday, June 29th 2021, 8:30am UTC and Tuesday, July 6th 2021, 12:00 noon UTC.

November 4, 2021 · 16:25 CEST

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